Process Industry

All Solutions apply the Best Available Technologies (BAT) with regards to low energy consumption, high recovery, high rejection, smallest foot print, low CAPEX / OPEX and smallest ecological impact.

  • Desalination Solutions

    Desalination of
    a) Brackish Water from wells
    b) Sea Water from open intakes, sub-soil or sub-sea intakes
    applying Membrane and Thermal Technologies in order to provide:

    • Potable Water (i.e. for Accommodation Platform, Camps,..)
    • Process Water (i.e. Boiler Feed, SAGD, Cooling Water, Cleaning Water, ...)

    Technologies for Desalination include RO, FO, Evaporation, MD, HDH, ...,

  • Process Water Solutions

    Water from various sources i.e. sea, river, lake, well..., that has already been pre-treated with regards to Filtration, Disinfection, Desalination, will be further treated for process water applications.

    Demineralization (Ion Exchange, EDI of CAP-DI), Softening (Lime or Membrane Softening) and other Technologies are used to provide Process Water required for various applications i.e. Boiler Feed, SAGD, Cooling, Mirror Cleaning ( in Solar) and others .

  • Waste Water / Re-Use / ZLD Solutions

    Treatment of Waste Water for Discharge

    Waste Water (Effluents) that occur in the various processes and that contain a variety of impurities need to be treated for safe discharge. Depending on the composition of the effluents, a combination of different technologies is used (i.e. CPI, DAF, MBBR, MBR,AOX, WAO, Reed Bed ....).

    Treatment of Waste Water for Re-Use

    Waste Water (Effluents) that is considered to be re-used for Non-Potable Applications (i.e. Irrigation, Cooling Water, Boiler Feed, Technical Water,...) needs to be treated for safe Re-Use. Depending on the composition of the effluents, a combination of different Technologies is used ( i.e. CPI, DAF, MBBR, AOX, WAO, MBR, AMBR, RO, FO, UF, Reed Bed .... ).

    Treatment of Waste Water for Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)

    In cases where Waste Water ( Effluents ) is considered to be re-used for Non-Potable Applications and no discharge of Liquid Waste is permitted , the by-product streams of the Waste Water Treatment for Re-Use ( i.e. Sludge Stream, Brine Stream, Backwash Stream) need to be treated for Zero Liquid Discharge based on local regulatory requirements. Depending on the composition of the by-product streams, a combination of different Technologies is used (i.e. Evaporators, Crystallizers, RO, FO, Reed Bed, .... ).